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Boot Camp Experience, Part 5: Just the facts, ma’am

My four-week boot camp experience with Booty Camp Fitness has now come to a close. It involved two weekly sessions of an hour each. We were also "supposed" to follow diet guidelines and use exercise videos in between sessions. But I really can't say I held up that side of the bargain, besides doing my best to limit white starches as well as to not eat any junk food. So, here's the facts, just the facts .... Inches Lost Upper Arm: … [Read more...]

My Christmas list is short and sweet

As a member of a new blogger network called the UrbanMoms, I was asked to blog what I would like for Christmas ... not what I was buying and ticking off my list for everyone else. Me, moi! What did I want. Here's what I came up with. I hope you enjoy! Just the other night, My sweetheart turned to me and said, Please dear, do write A little something before bed.   What is this about, I asked him. To which he shared his doubts, Going on a … [Read more...]

If it’s silly, is it still poetry?

Kids and poetry -- do they go together? Or is poetry something that can only first be properly absorbed during the emotional highs and lows that start in the teenage years? I know that as a teenager, I sure wrote my own share of poems on unrequited love for the older boy next door! It was also that time that I was able to start to appreciate how a few words strung together could evoke so much.  But I'm also starting to realize that at the … [Read more...]

Did you nominate me for a Canadian Weblog Award?

Did you nominate me for a Canadian Weblog Award? Oh wait ... don't answer that! I think that must of been when I threatened not to buy birthday presents for anyone in my family if they didn't nominate me. Well, regardless, I am really, super, incredibly, honking, excited to share some news with you: Coffee with Julie is shortlisted for the 2010 Canadian Weblog Awards! Shortlisted, my friends!! I just found out last night and as soon as I … [Read more...]

New Advertiser Welcome: Canada’s National Arts Centre!

  Photo credit: Orchestras in the Park 2010, NAC Flicker Stream As a former gleek, it gives me particular joy to welcome Canada's National Arts Centre as an advertiser with Coffee with Julie! My most recent visit to Canada's National Arts Centre was with my husband to take in The Massey Lecture Series with Douglas Coupland, and some of my very first visits to the National Arts Centre were with my mom when she took me to see The Nutcracker … [Read more...]

The word is malaise!

I get quite happy when I finally hit the exact right word I've been looking for after fumbling about using words that didn't quite fit. For instance, I was working on this presentation about OEM boards and their design implications. For weeks, we were using the word "flexible" in the presentation and then it dawned on me just as I was about to press "send" that the right word was "versatile." I got inordinately excited about … [Read more...]

Am I Fresh?

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Boot Camp Experience, Part 4: How I feel at the one-week mark

Strong woman

So, I managed to get myself signed up for Boot Camp AND I managed to show up to the first session. But how did the first full week go? Really well! After only one short week, I am already stronger. I can do more sit-ups, more push-ups and more squats. This image is an original untitled work by Krista Jenkins. And there really is nothing more gratifying than getting out of bed and feeling sore muscles. Yes, you heard me right! … [Read more...]

Brownies: Oh, the places you will go!

Dr_ Seuss oh the places you will go

This year is Stella's first year in Brownies. And so far, it's the only organized activity she's really shown an interest in. I have to say, I can't blame her! The programming for Brownies really is fantastic because every week is something new. So far, the girls have had an evening of sewing, of speaking with a Canadian Air Forces pilot, and most recently, a visit to a fully automated dairy farm. It was the last visit -- the farm -- that … [Read more...]

Bootcamp Experience, Part 3: Multi-tasking is good for you

As I mentioned in my “Itchy” post, I’m going to focus on making time for my friendships. The rationale for this completely selfish; I get a lot out of even just small bursts of girlfriend time. But it is hard to squeeze time out of already-overloaded days and exhausted bodies. So, I’m multi-tasking! There really is no other way to fit in both exercise and friend-time, so I managed to convince my good friend Mandy* to sign-up for Booty Boot … [Read more...]

How to keep little girls from growing up too fast

In this past weekend's Saturday issue of the Ottawa Citizen, an article's title caught my eye. It was in the Life section and titled "More sugar and spice and everything nice: How to keep little girls from growing up too fast." This is something I really want for my daughter -- a childhood. Not a frenetic rush into teens because of some extremely forceful marketing to her age group. I briefly scanned the article and then read the side-bar, … [Read more...]

Boot Camp Experience, Part 2: If it sounds too good to be true, it (of course!) is


I've been following the girls over at Losing It In Ottawa, and a couple of them mentioned that they were looking forward to their upcoming experience in a boot camp. It piqued my interest. I'd done a "boot camp" styled workout program once before and definitely saw results. And right now, I think I need to see some results to feel motivated to work out regularly and stay healthy. I already own a gym membership, have access to lots of nice … [Read more...]

Boot Camp Experience, Part 1: Be Careful What You Wish For

At the end of my Itchy post, I said I was running off to catch up with a friend. And indeed, that is what I did. Despite living in the same city, we have not seen each other for months. Many months! Such is the state of a parent's social life. But really, there is no good excuse for this. One needs to MAKE time for the important things in life, right?These important things should not only be paying bills on time and managing mountainfuls of … [Read more...]

Even brain surgeons must find children’s birthday party planning stressful

If you don’t have children, the title of this blog post may seem unreasonable. But, here, a true story courtesy of my friend J. J: Did I tell you about C’s birthday party?? Me: No, what? J: Well, it got really complicated because there are 20 children in his class and we didn’t want to leave anyone out, but 20 … well, we weren’t going to have 20 children at the party. Me: I hear you. I would never have 20 kids over to my house. J: … [Read more...]

That itchy feeling

I've got this really strong itchy feeling again. I wondered if perhaps it was the weather. But then I searched through my blog archives to see the date on the last time I wrote about this and it was May -- spring. So, no, I don't think I can blame the oncoming winter. (Even though I really do want to blame it. Just because I don't like it.) Then last night, I happened to read an article on this very subject. Titled 'When life goes U-shaped," … [Read more...]

A man in a uniform

fire chief

There's an old saying that a woman simply can't resist a man in a uniform. And I'd have to agree ... especially when that "man" is two years old!  ;) … [Read more...]

Saguenay series, part 6: Underwater mysteries that still remain


I caught up with a girlfriend the other day and as we were having coffee and agreeing that it had been too long since we'd chatted, she exclaimed: "I haven't even heard about your Saguenay trip yet!"  I responded, "Oh, well, you have to keep up with my blog if you want to know my life. I don't actually speak to people in real-life anymore." To this, she did not even react to my silly tone, and said, "But I have been reading your blog!" So, I … [Read more...]

Happy Halloween!


Hubby and Stella have crafted up three jack-o-laterns for tomorrow night. While past years' pumpkins have featured dinosaurs, Webkinzs and Pokemons, this year's current favourite creature is The Angler Fish. … [Read more...]

Douglas Coupland as a Massey Lecturer? Cool.


Past Massey lecturers have included Stephen Lewis, a crusader in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa; R.C. Lewontin, a pioneer in evolutionary theory, genetics and molecular biology; and Ursula Franklin, a respected feminist and research physicist. And this year? Douglas Coupland.   [Read more on why I just couldn't miss this ...]   … [Read more...]

I survived Brownie camp


You know how after all the participants on the Survivor television come together and reunite for the final show and you can barely recognize them because they have showered, brushed their hair and gained the weight back from the lack of food on the island? That's how I feel right now. Except for the brushed hair. Oh, and the losing and gaining weight thing. Other than that, I look exactly like a Survivor finalist. And that's because this … [Read more...]

Today is World Osteoporosis Day: Should I Care?

I know, I know ... there are so many causes with "days" that it's hard to keep track. (And kind of makes you want to dismiss them altogether.) But I was sent some information on osteoporosis that peaked my interest and made me want to look into it a bit more.  Before I share it with you though, let's define osteoporosis. It's a condition that causes bones to become thin and porous, decreasing bone strength and leading to increased risk of … [Read more...]