Hubby and I are having one of those weeks where we are feeling burnt out and tired. On Tuesday evening, we decided to order-in pizza (haven’t done that since mid-January!) and eat dinner with the kids in front of the television. Sort of a comfort-food and comfort-visual evening.
It’s fairly impossible for us to find anything that we all want to watch due to a combination of ages and interests. The only thing we can ever manage to agree upon is a wildlife documentary. So I flipped over to Rogers On-Demand to see what kind of documentary I could stir up.
I found “Born to be Wild.” We all loved it. So maybe your family might too? It’s got adorable baby animals combined with inspiring and compassionate humans. Plus gorgeous visuals from faraway lands. Oh, and Morgan Freeman as narrator. What’s not to love, really.
If you’ve seen it, what did you think of it? If not, here is a short trailer to give you a taste.
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