In continuation from the DIY Design of Stella’s Bedroom, I’ve been trying to create for her an awesome reading nook in her bedroom. It is taking a long time to find just the right things for it though. Here’s what it looks like so far:
For the lounging part of a reading nook, I was originally thinking of bean bags. But I’ve found them to either be crazy-expensive (seriously, $400 for a beanbag?!) or perfectly priced but not the right colour or covering. Most often, the covering was plastic-y and it just didn’t feel cozy. Then about a week ago in Home Sense, I found these really soft, oversized pillows in the perfect match of blue! I seriously felt like I had won the lotto, I was sooo excited! (Silly, I know!). They were only $20 each and they are fantastic. Stella loved them immediately too.
On the one wall, we’ve painted it with the same Pear Green from Benjamin Moore, while on the other wall, we’ve mounted cork from the ceiling to floor. You can buy massive rolls of cork at your local hardware store. (We did the same thing in the kitchen too for the family calendar, displaying school projects, important numbers for the babysitter, etc.) Stella creates new drawings every day and we can’t keep up with the paper clutter around here so we figured she could fill this up and once filled, she’d have to choose which ones to toss or keep in storage somewhere else.
And just in the corner of this picture, you can see a white book shelf. This is the Expedit Bookcase from Ikea, and we’ve used it like a partition in the room. The bonus of positioning it like this is that we can fit two full rows of books in each shelf (they’re very deep) and it also creates more of a private “nook” feeling.
Still missing? I would still love to find a perfect mobile to hang here. And looking at the picture, I find the green wall looks quite bare, so maybe some artwork for that wall too.
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