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Saturdays with Stella: The Not-So-Awesome Things List (Part 2 of 2)

Continued from last week’s first 5 not-so-awesome things, here are the last 5 I have to share with you. 

#6: When my little brother opens up the bathroom door when I’m using the toilet: I’m trying to go to the washroom like a normal person, and then he barges the door open and announces that he is going to brush his teeth.

#7: When you hear the sound of crinkling cellophane and when you go to see what it is, it turns out to be something gross: once I heard that sound, and (assuming it was chips) went to see if Mom would share with me — it turned out to be a bar of soap.

#8: When you invest in a book that looks good, but then turns out to be a total rip-off: you save up your allowance, plan a trip to the book store, and come out carrying a shiny new copy of some book. Then when you crack it open at bedtime, the whole thing turns out to be a heap full of random gibberish words and incomprehensible Blah Blah.

#9: Strange pieces of art work that no one except the artist understands: “is this supposed to be the Mona Lisa after someone has folded it up and ran it though the washing machine or a very bad origami peace crane?”

#10: When you think that spring is just around the corner, and then there’s a giant snow storm: you are just about to pull out the bikes and start wearing T-shirts when Mother Nature hits you with a killer white out.

Stella is my 10-year-old daughter and on Saturdays, I let her rent this space from me because she thinks blogs are cool. It is her hope that her writing will appeal to kids her age as well as to the adults who read here too. (For the intro to Saturdays with Stella, click here.)

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