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Saturdays with Stella: The Sizzling Cheese Balls

I’m going to tell you right of the bat that I’m not exactly the best cook. Don’t get me wrong, I love to make food.

So awhile ago I tried to make cheesy chick biscuits. I started by mixing all the ingredients in the bowl and the likes, but after that it all went down hill.

I rolled the batter out and it stuck to the wax paper I was using.

Then I realized that we didn’t have any cookie cutters, so I just said “cookie cutters are like SO sixty-five million years ago.” And that’s how cheesy chick biscuits turned into cheesy blob biscuits.

I then sprinkled them with grated cheese (most of which I’d all ready eaten) and put them in the oven.

A while after that mom told me to check on them in the oven. So that’s what I did, and when I opened our magical box of domesticated fire, all the cheesy blob biscuits were sizzling, hence the name sizzling cheese balls.

Despite the horrible appearance, they tasted pretty good.

Stella is my 10-year-old daughter and on Saturdays, I let her rent this space from me because she thinks blogs are cool. It is her hope that her writing will appeal to kids her age as well as to the adults who read here too. (For the intro to Saturdays with Stella, click here.) 

(Keep reading if you’d like to try this recipe yourself …. )

Julie’s Notes: The recipe Stella writes about above is from a set published by Usborne called “30 Easy Things to Cook and Eat.” It was given to her by an aunt a loooonng time ago but it’s still available and I found it online here. Naturally, it’s actually my fault the whole thing was a bit of a debacle since I was the supervising adult in the house! But hey, we know my baking skills only extend to muffins so far. So really, it’s Hubby’s fault for leaving the two of us unsupervised in the house!

Like Stella noted though, they really did taste good. Perhaps you’ll have better luck than us? I’ve typed out the recipe for you below in case you’d like to try them.

Cheesy Chick Biscuits, recipe by Usborne

1. Grate the cheese. Sift the flour through a sieve into a larger bowl. Then, cut the butter into chunks and add it to the bowl.

2. Mix in the butter, then rub it in with your fingers until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add half of the cheese.

3. Mix the egg yolk and water in a small bowl. Put 2 teaspoonfuls into a cup, then pour the rest over the flour mixture.

4. Stir everything well. Squeeze the mixture until you have made a smooth dough, then make it into a slightly flattened ball.

5. Wrap the dough in plastic foodwrap and put it into a fridge to chill for 30 minutes. While it chills, turn on your oven.

6. Sprinkle flour onto a clean work surface and a rolling pin. Then, roll out the dough, until it is about 5mm thick.

7. Cut out shapes with the cookie cutters. Put them into the baking trays. Squeeze the scraps into a ball, then roll them out.

8. Cut out more shapes. Brush egg mixture over the top of each shape, then sprinkle them with grated cheese.

9. Bake the biscuits for 12 minutes. Leave them on the baking trays for 5 minutes, then lift them into a wire rack to cool.

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