I didn’t get around to posting anything on my blog this week because my husband has taken to making these beautiful after-work drinks called Brandy Lime & Soda. Mmmm… they are such a refreshing summer drink. But trust me that you will lose any desire to be productive after having one (which isn’t such a bad thing of course, but just be warned).
I’ve been missing you though and even though I’ve already consumed said drink, I’ll attempt to share some fun things that happened this week.
Some Ottawa bloggers were featured in the Ottawa at Home magazine: Dani, Andrea, Annie, Loukia and me too! If you blink, you might miss my two sentences of fame but I am thrilled to have been included in such great company! (The article does not seem to be online, but it’s on newstands now.)
Stella was eager to participate in her school’s talent show this year. As the auditions approached, she struggled to figure out a “talent” since she does not sing, dance or play an instrument like many of the other children who were auditioning. I suggested that she had a talent for reading and that oration or public speaking was a talent. She was surprised but happy to recognize that this could be a talent and we set about to find a piece for her to read.
After sharing a number of pieces of poetry with her, she selected one from my friend Andrea’s “stealth poetry” posts. And off she went to the auditions. After waiting on pins and needles for days, she came home with the news that she made it into the talent show, which took place this past Tuesday.
I have no shame in admitting that after she stood up in front of her whole school and read the poem in full — without notes and so clearly and proud — that this mamma was a bit of a blubbery mess.
I went to visit a Montessori school and was amazed by how calm and civilized a group of 15 toddlers could be! I am quite interested in the Montessori method as a potential learning environment for my son Max who is turning two-years old soon, so if you have any experiences or thoughts to share, I’d love to hear them.
After dinner, hubby went out to pick up some moleskin bandages. And with that, he is now completely and utterly packed – down to the last detail! – for his upcoming mountain climbing adventure in the Rockies. And? It’s not for ages … he is so cute – just like a kid waiting for Christmas!
I got to meet A Crafty Mom’s three children as she headed out for their first camping trip as a family of five. The kids were so beautiful and SO excited to be going camping. They are going to have a blast, but I did wonder if perhaps I should have packed her up a Sigg bottle with a nice little Brandy, Lime & Soda.
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