Every Christmas and end-of-year, there is the conundrum: What should I give my children’s teachers?
I like to give a little something as an expression of thanks, but what to give is often a challenge because I don’t want to be giving something that will end up in the lunchroom with the tag “free!” on it. And, well, I also don’t want to go broke either. Max has three teachers at his preschool and Stella has two teachers at her elementary school — a total of five gifts can really add up in the cash department! But whenever I feel stuck, this post from Kristen at Motherese reminds me what is most important to a teacher’s heart — a simple note from a student.
This year, as in — right now — I have just spent a weekend with in-laws arriving from Australia, Max celebrating his 3rd birthday party, and preparing for moving house this Wednesday. So, not much creativity is left in my little scattered brain at the moment! Thankfully though, a facebook friend shared her teacher’s gift idea and was not only gracious enough to let me copy it, but also made me the beautiful hand-crafted labels that really finish the gift off perfectly! So, massive thank you to Heather of Heather’s Hints of Happiness for this … not only am I short on time, but all my scrapbooking materials are already packed up! You are a sweetheart (and a talented one at that!).
Here’s what you need if you’d also like to do this gift idea, which was originally found by Heather on the Tip Junkie site:
#1. Reuseable and portable cool drink holders: I saw these at Pier One for $13 each, but ended up buying mine at Loblaws’s Superstore for $5 each (thank you Loblaws!)
#2. A package of lemonade that has individual sachets. This box that I bought was on sale at Loblaws for $2.99 (again, thank you Loblaws!)
#3. Simple sheets of paper for a personalized thank-you note, to be tied up with wrapping ribbon. Taken from Grandma’s notebook for free.
#4. And the piece de resistance — the super cute labels which read: “Thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge”
And here’s how mine turned out (you’ll forgive the terrible photograph quality, right?):
For more teacher’s gifts ideas, Andrea from a Peek Inside the Fishbowl compiled a ton of them last year, which you can check them out by clicking here (read the post and the comments). Or, if you’d like to keep it simple, here is an idea to help your child make a thank-you note.
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