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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

No, I’m not talking about the Christmas decor slowly seeping into the malls … I’m talking NOW. Autumn. Fall. And more specifically, October.

It is THE most wonderful time of the year.

I’ve always loved the Fall. As a child, this was easy to explain — it is my birthday after all. As I got older, there was a birthday plus the family gathering of Canadian Thanksgiving.

But there’s also the crispness that comes in the air. That feeling of pulling on thick, squishy socks and a well-worn sweatshirt. And the leaves; oh, the fiery blossoming leaves!

Since I’m not a fan of winter, one would think that the Fall would make me feel kinda depressed. Somehow, though, it doesn’t. Perhaps it is the change in natural light that gives me this boost of spirit?

Whatever it is, it made me feel optimistic enough to venture out for a family camping trip last weekend. The Hubby is a Mr. Outdoors. I am a Mrs. Nature is So Pretty From this Reading Chair. However, it was his birthday.

So, off we went in this sexy Airstream:

Photo Source: Apartment Therapy

Okay, just kidding. We took this. (However, I must admit that the man that comes with my much less-expensive pop-up camper trailer is equally as sexy as the one who comes with the Airstream, so all in all, I think I got a good deal.)

We went to our fave spot: Achray Campground in Algonquin Park. You really can’t go wrong there. It’s beautiful, the sites are very private, and there are flush toilets. (A girl’s gotta have some priorities, people!)

Playing Trucks at Acray Campground

Canoeing along the lake’s edge with my family — with the gorgeous fall colours all around us — I felt like I was able to pieces a few things back into perspective.

Acray in the Autumn

 Thank you, Autumn. You really are the most wonderful time of the year.

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