Coffee with Julie welcomes businesses with products or services that would be of interest to readers (aka cool, smart or cute!).
Who are my readers?
Just so you know, my readers tend to be fairly brilliant, with a good sense of humour, often university-educated, and live almost exclusively in the United States and Canada. That’s according to Alexa (I added in the brilliant and good sense of humour part!). They’re also often female — and you know what the research says there … women make the vast majority of buying decisions in a household.
What are they interested in?
Not all of my readers are parents, but many are and they like to know about:
- family travel destinations (adventure, all-inclusive, road trip)
- girlfriend getaways (spa, glamping, beach)
- hot books and tech gadgets hitting the market
- educational toys, games and technologies
- eco-conscious living
- balancing work, life, and health
- major cultural events and entertainment
Ottawa businesses take note:
In addition, many of my readers are fellow Ottawa dwellers. This means that you could target these folks for waaaaay cheaper than a community newspaper ad.
How are ads sold?
Buying an ad is easy and fast! I can be reached by email at coffeewithjulieblog [at] gmail [dot] com and details on promotional options and pricing are available here.
How do I know you can represent my brand well?
Proof is in the pudding, right? I’d be more than happy to share references from brands that I’ve worked with before. They include the CAA, LeapFrog Toys, Canada’s NAC, Smuggler’s Notch Ski Resort, and Beaches Boscobel Resort.
If you’re thinking … okay, she can write but can she represent my brand well in person? Check out this video where I speak about the brand Terra20 and why I choose to shop there.
Have something new you want to try?
Coffee with Julie is open to ideas around event sponsorship, giveaways for readers, and anything that seems fun and interesting. Try me!
Disclosure policy
I always have, and I always will, disclose to my readers whenever I am compensated in cash or goods.
How to reach me
coffeewithjulieblog [at] gmail [dot] come
p.s. If you’re a reader, please feel free to share your thoughts with me on advertising on Coffee with Julie … will it bother you? would you be interested in hearing about new venues and products for purchase online? what would be of interest? what are the kinds of products and services that would turn you off?
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