Alrighty, friends! Major progress on the painting front! We have guests arriving this evening and Hubby put a major push on to have all the painting done before they got here. So now, as I type this, everything is Cloud White except my office, which is out of view, and the kitchen, which I have almost convinced Hubby to paint white as well. I have no idea why I am so thrilled with the white. But I am and I’m not gonna fight that happy feeling.
If you’ve been following along this painting tale, then you might recall that we’d had a local interior designer by the name of Tanya Collins over for a consult because I simply COULD NOT choose a paint colour for the hallway. She had made a number of helpful recommendations that we are definitely working to follow-through on.
In addition to the white walls, she said to paint the front door and the doors leading to the patio black. I knew that black doors were in the plan. But I thought that was the “eventual” plan, not the “right now” plan. So I was caught off guard when Hubby called letting me know he was picking up the black paint. I totally panicked …
Me: “What? You’re buying black paint right now?! I haven’t picked the colour of black yet!” Hubby: “Well, black is black.” Me: “No, black is not black! That’s like saying white is white.”
When I got home from work that day, here are the Benjamin Moore paint chips he had laid out for me to pick from. So much for “Black is black!”
Hubby said I absolutely must pick a black because he was going to do the doors first thing in the morning and they would require a number of coats before our guests arrived. Shhheesh … the pressure these hard worker painterly types can put you under!
Needless to say, I collapsed under the pressure and shot off an email plea for help to Tanya at 10 pm at night. She replied at 11:45 pm (I have told you I love her, right?):
Sure no problem Space Black 2119-10
Yes! I was saved. So Hubby started the painting process on the doors. Really, we’d like to replace the whole front door because the glass and styling is not really our style. But we priced that out and it was more than $2,500 and is at the bottom of the budgeting priority list right now. So, we’re painting the inside of the doors. It will probably stay like this until the kids have both made it through university.
Being the amateur that I am, I didn’t get a good “Before” shot. Hubby had already put his painting tape up and when I ran down with my phone to take a picture. I took one quick look at him and knew not to even consider asking him to pull off the green painting tape for a blog photo. (Funny how people can be when they’ve been working day and night doing a job they consider as fun as pulling out their eye lashes, eh?) Anyhow, here’s the “Before” photo, for what it’s worth:
Oh, and see that alcove to the right of this photo? That’s where I do those stunning vignettes. And now, here is an “After” photo. (Also, kind of crappy, because I am lazy and take these photos on my phone and have no clue how to take a proper photograph. But, you still love me, right?)
* With the massive popularity of the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, I figure I should piggy-back on its popularity and increase my blog traffic. But then again, what kind of traffic is that going to bring me? Oh well, what-evs, right? Traffic is traffic! Besides, how bad could it be? I’m not gonna lie, I read that stupid book too! (Did you?)
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