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Autumn is the best. And the worst.


Fall has always been my favourite season. I love Fall colours. I love Fall fashion. I love the fresh Fall air. And as a kid, I looked forward to going back to school and to my upcoming October birthday.

But Fall is also other things. It is reminders that I don’t want to hear. Like the Canada geese constantly honking their departure, reminding me that it was in a September many years ago that a baby brother was born still.

Or the fresh air reminding me that winter is coming. And winter is hard. It’s a time when I have to work hard on “self care” to fight off the winter blues. It’s also a time when I have to work hard on self care to fight off sickness. Last winter I had strep throat three times. Three frigging times. I suck at self care. It bores me as much as it nags at me.

The Fall colours also tell me that not only is the world beautiful, but also: your birthday is coming. You are one year older. Those goals that you wrote down last year 5 years ago? You still haven’t achieved them.

So today, and other days, I will be telling myself: You are fine. You don’t have to try so hard. Let life happen. Let the leaves fall. It will be okay. And it will still be beautiful.

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