Today, I’m a guest blogger over on Annie Urban’s PhD in Parenting. Annie and I like each a lot despite butting heads on a number of issues. But that’s precisely the point — we both understand (and have a strong respect for) the importance of debate and discussion. Otherwise, we end up in rhetoric territory.
Which is the topic of my post over on her blog. Here’s a taste:
Bullying is Bad. Don’t be a Bully.
rhet·o·ric – Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous
It’s not politically correct, but I’ll say it: I’m tired of hearing about bullying.
I feel like we spend a great deal of time as a society these days talking about bullying and the importance of teaching children that bullying hurts. I think children already know that bullying hurts. That’s why children — and adults — do it.
Please click on over to her blog and join the discussion. I have been so honoured with the thoughtful comments left so far and I’d love to hear yours too.
P.S. I’ve been sick as a dog. How is your family coping with the change of the seasons?
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