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David Sedaris is Worth It

Late this afternoon, I got my dirty little paws on tickets to see Mr. David Sedaris (!) tonight at the National Arts Centre.

But really, the timing couldn’t be worse … our house is torn apart and we’re in the middle of painting it, the kids have stuff going on tonight that requires taxi-driving, and I can barely think straight from the insomnia I had last night.

In case you are wondering who he is, which I suspect you might be, because when I wrote a post on Sedaris titled “I’m in love with a gay man” eons ago, I didn’t receive a single comment. Nope, no endless streams of “me too!” and “yes! I adore him too!” Same for this post, and even in this post, where I included quotes from Sedaris that I thought were just so witty and hilarious … the response from you my dear readers? Silence again.

So, let me guess — if you were me, you’d pass on the tickets, put on your jammies and curl up on the sofa, eh? I know, it is kind of tempting. (Especially since Glee is on tonight.) REALLY tempting, in fact.

But hubby has shown his true colours and valiantly insisted that I go — timing be damned. And he’s right.

Off I go …

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