Although Chantelle Wilson is now best known as founder of The Maisies — a singing trio that brings to life the vintage harmonies of girl groups from the 40s and 50s — my daughter will forever know her only as the girl from Treehouse TV’s 4 Square, and for my part, I will forever know her as one of the cool girls from my Drama club in highschool (think white-blonde hair and dark red lipstick) whose mother let her host all of us gleeks for parties.
A few weeks ago though, I noticed on Facebook that she was creating her own jewellery and selling it in an Etsy shop called What a Novel Idea. One must support an old friend’s new business, right? Yes! So I treated myself to one of her fun necklaces that have a distinctive circus theme (you can read a profile of Chantelle in Circus Girl magazine here).
Here it is!
Disclosure: There is nothing to disclose. I bought this necklace at full price, simply because I wanted it.
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