A loooonnng time back, I was dating a guy who proclaimed one day, “Stompin’ Tom is playing this weekend. Let’s go.” I had no idea who Stompin’ Tom was. But off we went to some little hole-in-the-wall bar in downtown Ottawa and we were treated to some of Tom’s best songs. I had a fabulous time, and heard Tom perform a couple more times during the time I dated this boy.
Now this boyfriend had unique tastes, so I just kind of figured that Stompin’ Tom was one of these. Little did I know that this man was a Canadian ICON.
Stompin’ Tom’s death this week brought back these memories — of a lovely guy who treated me nice and introduced me to some wonderful music, and of this song “Bud the Spud,” sung by a humble, down-to-earth Canadian talent.
So, this weekend, let’s take some time and be thankful for some great memories. We all have them. Pull some out from the back of your memory bank, lull them around, soak in them for a bit, and then gently tuck them back away for another time.
RIP Tom.
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