I wasn’t hot. I wasn’t cold.
I couldn’t feel the tension in my shoulders. Nor the nagging, ever-present weight of my head on a weak neck.
The room was dim, with candles lit. But I had my eyes closed, blocking out yet another sensory distraction.
Only one sense was in action — under the water, there was sound. A music without words. So primal, it almost felt like it was simply coming from my mind, not entering through my ears.
My body was floating. Literally. Because I was experiencing Nordik Spa-Nature’s Källa treatment, made available in a large salt water pool dug 5 meters deep into the rock.
To eliminate the weight of your own skeletal frame and simply float in the salt water was far more relaxing than I could have imagined.
But this was only one of the incredible stress-reducing experiences made available to me at Nordik, just outside of Ottawa.
If you haven’t yet experienced this gem of a place. You simply must.
You will walk in, but you will float out.
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