With my new found love for vignettes, I couldn’t help but take notice of this gorgeous little vignette that my neighbour had created in her front hall.
It’s unfortunate for you that I only have the camera in my BlackBerry and zero photography skills. But trust me, this vignette is so super sweet. What you can’t really see from the angle on this photograph is that the wooden frame is actually made specifically for hosting vignettes. I love it! Apparently my neighbour found it in Merrickville a number of years ago. It is fantastic, isn’t it? (Yes, I did tell her that she needs to get an electrician in to move the light switch. It is totally interfering with the vignette’s glory!)
Here is a close-up shot, where you can see one of each of the vintage postcards, candles, wooden soldiers, and pinecones.
I was particularly taken with these postcards. They are beautiful little pieces of art. My neighbour’s father used to collect these postcards, and she inherited them when he passed away nine years ago. Each postcard has its own little plastic pocket to protect it and they are dated with postmarks from as far back as 1929, with handwritten messages sending Christmas wishes.
You can see here that this postcard was sent from Algonquin, Ontario:
Don’t you just love looking at handwriting? I find it so expressive and personal.
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