Attending blogging conferences has been one of the smartest things I've done as a blogger. They allow me to feel connected with people who "get" this crazy need to blog, to learn about a craft that is anything but traditional, and to keep up with technology that moves at break-neck speed. The very first blogging conference I attended was a biggie: BlogHer in 2010. When I'd heard about it, I emailed a local Ottawa blogger I didn't really know … [Read more...]
School for Bloggers: Being Connected Matters #BConnectedConf
Filed Under: Blogs, Internet Love, Media, School for Bloggers, Social Media Tagged With: BConnected, blogging conferences
A New Blogging Conference is Coming to Ottawa! #BConnectedConf
And we know how much I love to go to blogging conferences (aka "School for Bloggers")!!! Some good friends of mine kicked off a great social media conference in Ottawa in 2011 called Social Capital Conference. Naturally, I attended it and I'm happy to see it still running and growing in numbers each year. This new conference is called BConnected and its focus is specifically on parent bloggers. As far as I'm aware, these are the only two … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Blogs, Media, Social Media Tagged With: BConnected, Conference, Ottawa, school for bloggers
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