It's been a while since my last "cooking with Julie" episode, but I wanted to assure you that your advice and counsel have not got to waste. So, without further adieu, I shall present to you a (drum roll please ....) Oh, okay, I admit it! I did yet anotherchicken recipe! Yep, go ahead, call me a chicken in the kitchen! (That's right Ken, the self-proclaimed 'kitchen-bitch,' I can take it.) Bock. Booock. Cluckity cluck. Now that we got that … [Read more...]
4 Ingredients — episode 2
September 14, 2009 by 11 Comments
It's okay, you're forgiven for thinking that I'd given up (again!) on the idea of teaching myself how to not suck at cooking. My first post on this topic sparked comments from readers that reassured me that I am not the only female lacking in such talent. Instead of mocking me, these lovely folks were sympathetic and encouraging. This propped me back up because despite it being an age of so-called gender equality, people do tend to go on and on … [Read more...]
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