Birthday anticipation ... can you remember that feeling? That the days could not come fast enough until you'd wake up and it would be your birthday. YOUR birthday. A special day all for you. You would be one year older on that important ladder of years. 3, 4, 5 ... oh, and then to hit the double digit of 10! Or even more exciting perhaps was to hit 13 and be, officially, a teenager. Now, another year is just another year. They are … [Read more...]
This Year’s Pinata: A Flying Dragon
August 21, 2011 by 3 Comments
On Friday, Stella turned nine years old. And in keeping with the birthday traditions around here, a piñata was a usual must. While last year, the angler fish was the creature of choice, the mighty dragon is this year's. Stella's favourite is the Chinese Lung Dragon, which looks like this: Time and materials were in short supply this morning before the full extended family were going to descend upon the house this afternoon for a … [Read more...]
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