You've had just about enough "Month of Me" by now, I'm sure. So, let's turn it back to you! I have a treat for one of you: A $50 gift certificate from my BFF (aka Mark's, remember?) ... and just in time for the season change! (Yes, because I do still need to convince myself that I don't hate winter. Cozy, cute winter clothes will help, right?) I love online shopping (here's a list of my favourite spots for getting errands done) and clothes … [Read more...]
Mark is a very popular boy
It looks like I'm not the only one who fell in love with Mark's for women's clothing! You can check out other outfits and opinions at the following Ottawa blogs as well: Andrea at a peek inside the fishbowl has turned out to be my twin sister (albeit a 5' 10" twin sister with supermodel cheekbones!) with the almost identical outfit. Christine, on the other hand, over at Coffees and Commutes is likely in the petite sizes and I'm sure you'll … [Read more...]
My new BFF is named Mark
When I was younger (and er, smaller), I loved clothes shopping. But now, I only like (love!) shoe shopping. Everything else leaves me feeling very, very grumpy. It is simply not fun to try on 10 pairs of pants just to find one that looks "okay." Not "great" and "fabulous" -- but just okay. And when you have very little spare time, I think you'll agree that this is pretty much the last way you'd want to spend it. To add insult to injury, you … [Read more...]
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