Ikea calls their catalogue "The Most Helpful Book in the World." And I certainly can't argue with that. I love (love!) a good catalogue and IKEA always does a top-notch job. A catalogue that you want to keep as a reference in your home all year long? Yeah, that's a good catalogue! And if I'm going to keep a catalogue around my house it needs more than just a dull listing of products ... it's got to have some editorial value and some great … [Read more...]
And, now back to you! (Mark’s $50 Giveaway)
You've had just about enough "Month of Me" by now, I'm sure. So, let's turn it back to you! I have a treat for one of you: A $50 gift certificate from my BFF (aka Mark's, remember?) ... and just in time for the season change! (Yes, because I do still need to convince myself that I don't hate winter. Cozy, cute winter clothes will help, right?) I love online shopping (here's a list of my favourite spots for getting errands done) and clothes … [Read more...]
The Back-to-School Outfit
Back-to-school is here! As usual, summer has whizzed right by and we're back into the busy fall season (both at work and at home). This summer was a milestone for us -- we moved houses for the first time in 14 years and we enjoyed a special visit from overseas relatives. But we're ready for routines again, I think. That's one bonus of school-aged children; it helps the whole family get into consistent routines. Not to be outdone by Valentine's … [Read more...]
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