Despite the constant use of the words “social media” in every second conversation these days, a very large proportion of people have not yet taken the plunge. I don’t blame them, frankly, because even just the term “social media” is starting to grate on me too and I’m a big fan! But if you think you might like to get your feet wet, I think that LinkedIn is a good place to start. It takes very little time and the "unwritten rules" of engagement … [Read more...]
Getting your feet wet with LinkedIn
Filed Under: Internet Love, Media, Social Media Tagged With: LinkedIn, social media
School for Bloggers: The new world of book publishing levels the playing field. Kinda. Mostly. (#BWENY)
So, I'm in New York City. But unlike my last post, I have been inside all day attending Blog World & New Media Expo 2011 (hashtag #BWENY). Like many other conferences, there are "tracks" so that you can follow a specific theme that you might be interested in. I'm in attendance for my "day job" as a corporate communications manager for a high-tech company, so the track I've been following is the Social Media for Business Summit. But at the … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Books, Internet Love, Learning, Living, Media, Observations, Twitter Tagged With: #bea, #bweny, publishing, self-publishing, social media
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