Hubby was looking for something new to add to his usual repertoire for Christmas brunch and decided on this Raisin Bread Breakfast Cup recipe. Everyone loved them (except for my son who won't eat foods that are mixed! I am hoping he will grow out of this one day soon). So I thought I'd share the recipe with you because they're super easy and light on the belly, so they'd be a nice weekend breakfast treat any time of year. Breakfast Cups … [Read more...]
And, now back to you! (Mark’s $50 Giveaway)
You've had just about enough "Month of Me" by now, I'm sure. So, let's turn it back to you! I have a treat for one of you: A $50 gift certificate from my BFF (aka Mark's, remember?) ... and just in time for the season change! (Yes, because I do still need to convince myself that I don't hate winter. Cozy, cute winter clothes will help, right?) I love online shopping (here's a list of my favourite spots for getting errands done) and clothes … [Read more...]
The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Packing Lunch
Call me crazy, but there's something almost soothing about packing children's lunches ... all the little containers, and bite size bits, snugly tucked into a brightly coloured lunch bag. And yet, this does not translate at all to the act of actually packing a lunch for myself. There are countless good, solid reasons for me to pack a lunch: there is no convenient lunch spot near my work, buying lunch is expensive, I need the time to work-out … [Read more...]
My new BFF is named Mark
When I was younger (and er, smaller), I loved clothes shopping. But now, I only like (love!) shoe shopping. Everything else leaves me feeling very, very grumpy. It is simply not fun to try on 10 pairs of pants just to find one that looks "okay." Not "great" and "fabulous" -- but just okay. And when you have very little spare time, I think you'll agree that this is pretty much the last way you'd want to spend it. To add insult to injury, you … [Read more...]
School for Bloggers: The mandatory BlogHer recap post that never happened. And won’t. (#BlogHer10)
So. BlogHer. I know, I know. I'm supposed to do a recap of my experience -- what was great, what was not so great, which blogger idols I met and what swag I lugged back. But I'm not going to. I just didn't have time this week and now I don't feel like it. Plus, it's totally unnecessary, since some fabulous writers have already done great recaps. So I'll share a few of those with you instead. First, I'll point you towards the recaps written … [Read more...]
3 super-easy ways to make things merrier
I'm lazy all about keeping things quick & easy. With the snow sprinkling outside my office window, the Christmas spirit is starting to take hold. Here are 3 super-easy ways to share the Christmas spirit: #1. Christmas stamps Most of us end up sending at least a dozen Christmas or holiday cards out at this time of year. Instead of buying the Christmas-themed stamp, consider the Mental Health stamp. This domestic stamp is sold in a … [Read more...]
4 Ingredients
The only thing that Julie from the movie Julie and Julia and I share is a name. I have never lived in New York City (although I certainly would if opportunity afforded it), I am not a newly wed (we're clocking 13 years over in this corner), and perhaps most critically, I do not enjoy cooking. I just don't understand how people love to cook. It's sort of how I just can't understand how people love to go running. It's not that I wouldn't want to … [Read more...]
Dear Convenience Food Marketers
Dear Junkfood Convenience Food Marketers, In this economy, I feel it is my duty to provide you with some valuable feedback that can help you cut your costs. You see, I've noticed some changes to your packaging. Lately it includes copy intended to market to someone looking for a healthy meal. Consider the following two standard favourites: Kraft Dinner Original and Chef Boyardee Ravioli. The Kraft Dinner package is now sporting a substational … [Read more...]
Errands from the Desktop
I love the internet. Like, REALLY love it. It is such an amazing invention that you no longer even need to leave the house for pesky errands. You know what I mean ... you've had a jam-packed week, the weekend arrives, and the last thing you feel like doing is spending your precious free time hunting down that perfect birthday gift or fighting with crowds at the grocery store. Okay, I know there are some of you out there who actually enjoy … [Read more...]
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