Hyper-parenting. You might remember that a little while back, I wrote a post sparked by the CBC documentary Hyper Parents and Coddled Kids. And I'm still thinking about it. The whole concept of hyper-parenting is never really far from my mind, actually. It's something that I consciously, actively want to avoid doing to my children. And yet, it seems we live in a world where hyper-parenting is almost becoming the norm. Or at least that's how I … [Read more...]
Hyper Parents & Coddled Kids
Did you catch this CBC documentary yesterday? I got a heads-up from Ann Douglas' blog at parentcentral.ca that it was coming and I was intrigued. In her review, Douglas concludes that this "hyper-parenting" phenomenon is largely a thing of the past: The documentary is worth watching, if only as a reminder of where we've been and how far we've come in rejecting the consumerist parenting style that views parents as manufacturers and kids as … [Read more...]
An Interesting Human: Dr. Basil Donovan
For my new gig over at Life As A Human, I have my first in a series of "interesting human" profiles posted today! It features Dr. Basil Donovan, who was a member of a committed coalition of medical professionals, homosexuals, sex workers, nuns, drug addicts and politicians that “broke the law, offended everyone, and saved tens of thousands of lives” when AIDS first hit Sydney, Australia in the early '80s. You can check out this short … [Read more...]
Life As A Human has launched!
So, today is the big day! Life As A Human, the Canadian-based e-zine I was telling you about in my last post has now launched. I really had no idea how it was all going to come together or who the other writers were -- it was a bit of a leap of faith to sign-on as a contributor. As you can imagine then, I was super keen to check it out first thing this morning. The result? I'm thrilled! And honoured. Because the editorial team selected … [Read more...]
My head is really big
My head is so big, it's practically toppling off my neck at the moment. Here's why: An unexpected shout-out! I like to poke around Girl about O-town's blog because she always seems to know what new funky things are going on around Ottawa. Not the same ol' stuff -- fresh, interesting stuff! I love admiring great design -- paper, home, web -- and as it happens, not only does she as well but she also creates a lot too. So much so, she just … [Read more...]
A Blogger’s 2009 in Review
Like a fun game of tag, I am going to follow after Andrea and do a Blogger's 2009 in Review. Here’s what you do. Just take the first line of the first post of every month and repost them in one big post. I started blogging in June of this year (and already changed the layout 3 times!). So here's how mine reads ... June: I know the lawn needs mowing. July: I Am Canadian. August: Writers are always on the hunt for ways to improve their … [Read more...]
Christmas stories to warm your heart
Although the whole house seems to be sick (again), and hubby and I are exhausted from rotating night visits to children, I've been warming up my heart to Christmas by reading the memories of other bloggers. These are stories that touched my heart and resonated with me in a strong way. I hope that they may have the same lovely effect on you too. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you and may tomorrow be the start of some special … [Read more...]
Should I change my name to Julian?
If I want to be a successful writer, then yes, maybe I should. James Chartrand of Men with Pens -- an extremely successful writer and blogger -- has "outed" himself as a woman. A single mom, to be specific. Why would a 30-something Canadian feel the need to adopt a male pen name? It's explained in this Copyblogger guest post "Why James Chartrand Wears Women's Underpants." It's definitely worth a read. Especially if you think feminism is an … [Read more...]
Want more info on H1N1?
My last post on H1N1 was October 30th. That post was an effort to put the latest bits of info all into one spot for readers. I'd like to do that again today as part of a "blog tour" with Mom Central*. (I'd also like to add my usual disclaimer here that -- and, I don't think this comes as a surprise -- I'm no scientist; I'm no doctor. I'm simply pointing people to information sources that I think are helpful and making my own personal commentary … [Read more...]
A Gobbly-good Thanksgiving giveaway!
I just saw that my bloggy friend Dani is having an awesome giveaway and I thought you might not want to miss out! It's for an HP Photosmart A646 Compact Photo Printer. I'm sure it's an awesome printer, but I'm all about that cute little bag that comes with it. To enter the contest, click here. … [Read more...]
Looking for a good children’s book?
I like it when friends or family take the time to pick out a special book for one of my kids as a gift (and inscribe it with a personal note). And I like to do the same for my friends. Recently, I've come across three great resources that make finding good books a lot easier. (So no, I'm not going to give up on my daughter who is reading 4-inch Pokemon gamer guides and nothing else these days!) #1: A Diamond in the Window My friend Brenda … [Read more...]
Wordstock rocked
In 1969, hippies travelled from far and wide to attend Woodstock. They came to appreciate the vibe and the amazing music. They drank lots, they drugged lots. It was a good time. It's 40 years later, in 2009. Writers travelled from far and wide to attend Wordstock, at Ryerson University. They came to appreciate the wisdom and experience of amazing traditional and new media journalists. They drank lots of coffee. It was a good time. So that's … [Read more...]
Me and Mr. Mozart
My bloggy friend Andrea invited me out on a date to check out some Mozart. A night on the town is always welcome, but I was also really interested in this new orchestra performance format that the NAC has recently adopted. Produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, this format is called "Beyond the Score: Classical Music Exposed." It's been extremely well received by Chicago audiences and naturally the NAC is looking to replicate some of … [Read more...]
I'm still here, are you?
I started this blog in June. Within 2 weeks, I was an addict. My head is always spinning about, thinking about potential blog posts and ruminating about other people's posts. I just love how the blogosphere keeps my mind a-buzzin'. Most of all, I love the fact that people actually come here, read my words and take the time to comment. Oh, I love, love, love that! Not sure why, but if you want, you can pay a therapist to figure out why I need … [Read more...]
A movie about blogging
I'll be the first to admit, I haven't been out to the movies much in, say, oh ... the last seven years. Yes, coincidentally, since I've become a parent. So, I might be wrong here, but the movie Julie & Julia was the first movie that I know of with blogging as a central focus. Even though I couldn't care less about Julia Child, and cooking in general for that matter, I was excited to see this movie. And that had everything to do with the … [Read more...]
My own personal BOLO
As I drove home from Blog Out Loud Ottawa, I had the summer wind whipping through the car and the music on high. And something strange happened; I started to cry. But it wasn't a bad cry. It was a good cry, if you know what I mean. I think it was a release of sorts. Because, truth be told, I've had a tough time adapting to life back in Ottawa after a year away in Australia. It's something I don't dare to say out loud, for fear of offending my … [Read more...]
Out of the mouths of babes.
Me: So ... did you hear Mommy on the radio yesterday? 6-year-old Daughter: Well, yes I did. But I didn't recognize your voice. Me: Yes, people can sound different on the radio. I think it's because of the microphones. 6-year-old Daughter: Oh, I see. It really didn't sound like you at all. Because I heard the voice of a really calm lady. … [Read more...]
All In A Day
Okay, now it's my turn to panic! All In A Day called (you know, CBC's afternoon radio show) and asked if I would come in to be interviewed on the show to talk about Blog Out Loud Ottawa. I love All In A Day, so I swooned and said 'yes' immediately. Here's how the show is described on their site: All In A Day is Ottawa’s number one afternoon drive program, not surprising considering that CBC Radio One 91.5 is Ottawa’s number one radio station. … [Read more...]
Let's Panic!
Oh my! I can barely write I am laughing so hard at this new website launched by mommy-blogger Alice Bradley of Finslippy fame, and her co-hort in tongue-in-cheek-crime Eden Kennedy. Although I'd seen Bradley before from Momversations, I hadn't come across Kennedy as of yet. You can immediately get a feel for Kennedy's humour style though by visiting her blog yogabeans, where her son's action figures demonstrate ashtanga yoga. These two women … [Read more...]
I'm going to blog out loud
Despite being a complete neophyte, Lynn has warmly welcomed me to BOLO 2009 (Blog Out Loud Ottawa). It's an event where a group of Ottawa bloggers and readers get together and, over coffee (my favourite thing!), read/listen to favourite posts. Click on the icon to the right to get all the deets! I've been lurking around in the blogosphere for a while now, so I'm really looking forward to meeting all these awesome Ottawa bloggers in person. If … [Read more...]
Moms have Power
More breaking news to add to the "do not host a party where you intentionally hope your children catch an illness of pandemic proportions" that I reported on last night. This time ... okay, are you ready? Here it is: moms have power. Gee, moms rule the nest? Who knew. Okay, in all seriousness, I do think the article is note-worthy even though I already know that I am all-powerful. Here's why: it suggests that online marketers are not tapped … [Read more...]
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