It's a touch dusty around here. I know ... I know ... my stupid New Year's Resolution is totally interfering with my "me time" (i.e. blog time). I need to put in an extra hour of walking in at night to be able to hit those 8,000 to 10,000 steps. And then afterwards, I have a spurt of adrenaline that is nice but not nice enough to provide me with any creative writing juice that will keep me up past my bed time. Yet once I get into bed, I end up … [Read more...]
Breaking up is never easy: Bye-bye Canadian Business magazine
When trying to choose between two equivalent products, I will buy Canadian. It just seems like the loyal thing to do. This also applies to magazines. I like to buy Canadian parenting, travel, and business magazines. So I've been a regular reader of Canadian Business magazine for a while now. In fact, I currently have an annual subscription. I read through each issue, and then I bring them in to my office and leave them in a communal reading … [Read more...]
“Party Favorites” in Parent & Child magazine
In the March issue of Scholastic's Parent & Child magazine, you'll find an article inspired by a blog post of the old fashioned party games we put on for Stella's birthday! It's a fabulous magazine and I feel really honoured to get a few of my words into ink for such a top-notch publication. So if it's in your home or you see it on the news stand .... check me out on page 12! … [Read more...]
Are we there yet? (or why the heck do people go camping with their kids)
I've been more of a scattered mom than usual lately. The kind that forgets doctor's appointments and perpetually arrives late or unprepared for the kids' extra-curricular activities? Yeah, er, that's me. This life with young children, and work, and household maintenance ... it really does feel like a hamster wheel sometimes, doesn't it? Everyone TALKS about how to achieve balance, but I'm pretty sceptical about it being even possible. So, for … [Read more...]
Monday morning inspiration
I thought you might find this little snippet from the Canadian Business Special Issue: Outlook 2011 inspiring as you begin your work week: The country's best-paid CEOs earned an average of $6.6 million in 2009, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. The average salary fell from $7.3 million in 2008, but is still far above the typical Canadian income of $42,9888. And ... wait for it .... By 2:30 p.m. on the … [Read more...]
That itchy feeling
I've got this really strong itchy feeling again. I wondered if perhaps it was the weather. But then I searched through my blog archives to see the date on the last time I wrote about this and it was May -- spring. So, no, I don't think I can blame the oncoming winter. (Even though I really do want to blame it. Just because I don't like it.) Then last night, I happened to read an article on this very subject. Titled 'When life goes U-shaped," … [Read more...]
Thinking aloud about envy (with Andrea)
Just as I happened to be reading an article titled "Envy at Work," my friend and fellow blogger Andrea at A Peek Inside the Fishbowl published a new post titled "Thinking aloud about envy." The article I was reading had initially intrigued me because envy isn't a common topic for Harvard Business Review, or business research in general for that matter. Also, I work in the area of organizational change management and I wondered if envy played a … [Read more...]
Wordstock rocked
In 1969, hippies travelled from far and wide to attend Woodstock. They came to appreciate the vibe and the amazing music. They drank lots, they drugged lots. It was a good time. It's 40 years later, in 2009. Writers travelled from far and wide to attend Wordstock, at Ryerson University. They came to appreciate the wisdom and experience of amazing traditional and new media journalists. They drank lots of coffee. It was a good time. So that's … [Read more...]
Food for Thought
My husband never fails to be disappointed with the produce from our local grocery store. Well, to be fair, it's not just our local store -- it's any grocery store. After dinner, he'll look longingly at some peaches he picked up that day at the store. He'll pick one up, roll it around in his hand, maybe even give it a sniff. Then he'll sink his teeth into it. "Ugh," he'll pronounce, then put it down and push it aside in disgust. "It looked … [Read more...]
Would your husband notice?
In More magazine's September issue, a writer gets her face pumped up with injectable filler and bets that her husband won't notice. Or at least she hopes, since he's philosophically against these kind of "youthenizer" treatments. Her article "Is my epidermis showing?" reads a bit like a sad commentary on modern family life. When her husband arrives home after work, she's on pins and needles wondering if he is going to notice. Instead: He comes … [Read more...]
Thursday's Thought
"I realized the power writing has, and it has also helped me deal with my rage ... It gave me a lifelong commitment not to be afraid to speak out about injustice." -- Dominick Dunne … [Read more...]
Writerly happenings
Writers are always on the hunt for ways to improve their craft, and I'm no different. I'm always sniffing around for new ideas, new initiatives, new ways to learn. At BOLO the other night, I overheard a number of bloggers mention that they were writers as a day-time gig (alot of fellow corporate communicators) as well as some stay-at-home-moms who said that they aspire to be writers. So, I thought that I'd share some interesting writerly … [Read more...]
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