Last weekend, the Hubby and I dusted off some fancy-pants clothes and headed out to Canada's National Arts Centre to attend the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards. I had been invited as a member of the media last year, and was thrilled to be invited again this year because this event is just spec-tac-u-lar. In addition to the actual show, there are some pre- and post-show activities to book-end the experience. Before the show … [Read more...]
Taking the Kids to NYC: Our Top 5 Highlights
NYC with kids? Yes, it's do-able and we did it! We are fortunate enough to have friends in NYC, so it makes taking a last minute trip a whole lot easier. Usually, however, it is either Hubby or I taking a solo trip. This time, we took the kids. With Max now 5 years old and Stella now 11, travel is also a whole lot easier. So we felt that the Christmas school holiday break was a window we couldn't resist. We left on December 30th and drove … [Read more...]
Cirque du Soleil’s Totem Show in Ottawa: This Local’s Review
Totem was my introduction into the world of the Cirque, and circuses in general really, since they've gone out of fashion with the greater awareness around humane treatment of animals. I felt like I knew what to expect, having following this Canadian success story with interest over the years. But really, as we all know, a video clip simply cannot compare to an in-person experience. And like the true origins of the circus experience, I feel like … [Read more...]
Oprah in Ottawa: A Re-Cap
When I heard that Oprah was coming to Ottawa, I just knew I had to get a ticket. Like people who still buy tickets to the Rollings Stones playing live, for me, Oprah is more about nostalgia and a deep respect for what she has accomplished in her life more than any kind of present-day fandom. She kicked off The Oprah Show in 1986, the same year I started high school. Despite it being a daytime show, I managed to see many episodes during my five … [Read more...]
Saturdays with Stella*: Eggs and Hamadeus at Canada’s NAC
I'm really sorry about there not being a post yesterday The reason why is that I was going to an NAC concert with my best friend! So I had to postpone the blog post to see it, because who wants to hear about my predictions! You want the actual event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (excessive use of exclamation marks!) So yesterday afternoon I set out with my friend and her family to go to the NAC to see Green Eggs And Hamadeus. The traffic was … [Read more...]
The English Theatre Line-up for 2012-2013 Season at the NAC
At 6pm today, Canada's National Arts Centre announced the line-up for English Theatre's upcoming season. I was particularly curious to see what this year would hold because it's Peter Hinton's last season. Love'em or hate'em, one thing everyone can agree on is that Peter Hinton, as Director of the English Theatre program since 2005, really shook things up. Sure, I didn't enjoy all of his choices, but he certainly made a mark and I love that he … [Read more...]
Giveaway: Tickets for Svengali Ballet at National Arts Centre
"Svengali: A person who manipulates or exerts excessive control over another." The origin of the word we know commonly know as "svengali" is actually from a novel published in 1894 by George Du Maurier. In it, a singer named Trilby is captured by an unsuccessful musician, Svengali. Svengali manages to live a life of luxury by keeping Trilby under hypnosis, performing concert performances and living as his slave. In 1931, this same plot line … [Read more...]
Most Awesome Mother’s Day Present! (Ottawa giveaway)
EDITED TO ADD: I used and as the universe of random dictated the winner of this most awesome mother's day prize pack is Shakira Whitton! CONGRATS SHAKIRA -- I will be in touch with the details for how to use your prize! :) Quick! You seriously don’t want to miss this giveaway! And I will give it out just in time for Mother’s Day so you can give your mother, your wife – or, heck, just yourself (I won’t tell!) – a fantastic … [Read more...]
PLAYtime (for parents AND kids!) + an Ottawa giveaway
If you are a parent, let me ask you this: When was the last time you went to see live theatre? (Do I hear *crickets*??) Yeah, I thought maybe that was the case. Because that is pretty much the case over in this household. Actually ... correct that: I DO manage to catch some wonderful theatre, but I rarely ever manage to do so with my husband. Instead, I take along a girlfriend and hubby stays home with the kids. We have just never really … [Read more...]
An Ottawa Giveaway! Tickets for two to the National Arts Centre
EDITED TO ADD: WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! The winner for this giveaway was determined using and it was PB Addict. Congrats to a fellow peanut butter lover and I hope you have a fabulous time! (Come back and tell us all about it!) Warm wishes, Julie Great news! The National Arts Centre has generously offered two tickets for Coffee with Julie readers to see a really interesting show that's coming to town. The performer is Patricia … [Read more...]
Ballet and Domestic Violence?
The concept of a ballet troupe undertaking cause marketing intrigued me. So I was really pleased to get the chance to attend the global premiere of Ghosts of Violence last week. With it, the Atlantic Ballet of Canada aims to raise awareness of domestic violence against women as it brings its performance across Canada and then overseas. I share some thoughts from the experience in the e-magazine Life As A Human today. Clicky on over to check it … [Read more...]
New Advertiser Welcome: Canada’s National Arts Centre!
Photo credit: Orchestras in the Park 2010, NAC Flicker Stream As a former gleek, it gives me particular joy to welcome Canada's National Arts Centre as an advertiser with Coffee with Julie! My most recent visit to Canada's National Arts Centre was with my husband to take in The Massey Lecture Series with Douglas Coupland, and some of my very first visits to the National Arts Centre were with my mom when she took me to see The Nutcracker … [Read more...]
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