Thanks to all of you for following me here to this custom blog site!
I’ve been working with Brendan to learn the in’s and out’s of some of the more technical aspects of blogging. (I’m still at the Sesame Street level, but he’s really patient.)
Some of my learnings include:
1. Techies do not like Internet Explorer. I had no clue that it was such a big issue, but I think Brendan has pulled out his hair on many an occasion as a result of IE. He’ll create something that looks super-cool and ask me to take a look, but when I look via Internet Explorer, it will be all wonky. Do you use Internet Explorer? I had never really considered using anything else, but I guess I will now.
2. Photos. I’ve been loading enormous photos into my blog since I started this adventure in June. My blog doesn’t like this. Now I have learned to resize photos before posting them. I still haven’t quite figured out the art of this … what size is best for what photos, and what not. But I will keep fiddling on my coffee breaks and work it out.
3. Embedding video. I wasn’t able to embed videos on my old blog and now I can! Check out the groovy way that I’ve embedded a video into the right sidebar now. I’m so inordinately impressed with myself, even though all I did was follow detailed instructions from Brendan. Woohoo!
4. RSS subscriptions: Last but no least, if you were having trouble with your subscription, that has now been fixed and I hope you’ll re-subscribe with me.
If you have any more tips for me, I’m all ears. Also, if there is something that bothers you about the blog design, just let me know. This is a big self-learning adventure for me and I’m very open to suggestions!
Have a great Friday everyone!
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