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Spring Fever!

Spring fever is real. SO real for us Canucks! The weather was so gorgeous this past weekend that all the neighbours were out front of their houses washing cars, kids riding bikes, and big smiles all around.

One big way that spring fever hits me is my wardrobe. I look at it and think — it needs a complete overhaul! But, alas, I looked at my budget and thought — nope, not gonna happen! However, I did pop over into our local Superstore and treated myself to a couple of cute things from the Joe Fresh line.

I tried this blouse on with pants in a gorgeous mustard colour (yes, I realize not everyone thinks mustard is a gorgeous colour, but I love it!). Unfortunately, the pants looked very strange on me — fitted at the top and then massive flares at the bottom. But I went for the blouse anyhow, thinking that I could easily pair it with black pants for work. Price: $39.

I also brought home a cute marine dress for $29. I honestly can’t remember the last time I wore a dress to work. Or a skirt for that matter. I certainly won’t look like one of Joe Fresh’s emaciated models (they seem to be ultra-thin these days, don’t they? I don’t remember them being so thin when Joe Fresh first launched) in the dress, but whatever, I’m still going to wear it.

And one more thing. A cute little satiny blouse that I thought could dress-up a pair of jeans for $24. Actually, looking at this picture, it doesn’t look that cute. But it’s looks better in real life, I swear.

Does spring make you want to run out and re-haul your wardrobe? Any good finds to share with us here at Coffee with Julie?

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