Our family loves a good museum visit. And any time we visit a big city — from New York City to Toronto — we’ll make sure to carve out time to check out that city’s premiere museum. But we also like to find the smaller, hidden gems that don’t make it into the tourist guides. These are often run by faithful locals who are just as interesting (or more so!) as their collection. We’ve even been known to visit a city solely because of its museum, like we did this past summer to see Science North in Sudbury.
With the weather taking a turn for the better, Hubby and I are already dreaming up what road trips we’ll take with the kids this season. If you’re doing the same, I think you’ll find this round-up of museum visits, shared by fellow Canadian bloggers, super helpful!
Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller, Alberta
Drumheller is on our family’s bucket list! We just *have* to make it there one day.
The Children’s Museum (The Canadian Museum of History), Gatineau, Quebec
We are fortunate enough to live close to this museum and have made many a visit. But it’s definitely worth doing a substantial drive too. The best part is that you get see two world-class museums in one visit because The Children’s Museum and The Canadian Museum of History are housed in the same (beautifully designed) building.
Butterfly Conservatory (Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens), Niagara, Ontario
I feel a bit ashamed to even write this … my kids have not seen Niagara Falls yet! Yikes. We must do this trip very soon. And hit up the museums too, of course.
Laura Secord Homestead, Niagara, Ontario
And when we finally make it to Niagara, seeing this homestead is a must. I am actually related to Laura Second through my maternal side of the family! She was a true hero.
Westfield Heritage Village, Hamilton, Ontario
If the Laura Secord museum above intrigued you with its early Canadian pioneering history, then you’ll love this one too.
The Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario
I really can’t even count the number of times we’ve been to this museum, since it’s Stella’s favourite. And it never ever tires because there’s always a cool new exhibit. Here is but one example: Bugs Outside the Box.
Britannia Mine Museum, Squamish, British Columbia
I know that Squamish is in my future one day soon because the Hubby loves his rock climbing and this is a major locale for climbers. While we’re there, I’ll be sure to visit this intriguing museum.
If your family is ga-ga about museums too, feel free to share your suggested faves in the comments below!